Welcome to the San Diego Chapter of Efficiency First
Efficiency First is a national non-profit trade organization with the mission to advocate for policies that will create the foundation for a sustainable and scalable home retrofit market. This blog is dedicated to the San Diego Chapter of Efficiency First, in the hope that local businesses and contractors will join our cause, and become part of the solution.
If you are a local business person in the Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, or a related industry, please join our professional group at Linked-IN. If you just want to keep in touch with us consider our facebook page and "LIKE" us. Or just follow our tweets on EFSanDiego.Buildings in the USA account for approximately 50% of all energy usage. The average home loses 40% of its energy to waste. Which means we would never have to build another power plan in the USA if we could just stop this waste.Today we have the technology to build energy-neutral, or even energy positive structures, using clean green building materials and passive solar design. But, this still leaves the existing built environment, wasting billions of dollars each year.
The solution is to make the existing building as efficient as possible, retrofit each existing building or home with energy saving appliances, and renewable energy generation. There is a cost to doing nothing.Join the San Diego Chapter of Efficiency First, the last Tuesday each month, 6:30-8:30 PM, at: California Center for Sustainable Energy, 8690 Balboa Ave., Suite 100 ∙ San Diego, CA 92123